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1. Discussion and possible action to execute an Order calling for a bond election in Hays County on November 4, 2014, related to proposed law enforcement improvements and/or public safety facilities, which may include a County Jail, a Co-Located 911 Center, a Law Enforcement Center, and/or a Training Center; and to make provisions for the conduct of the election; and to resolve other matters incident and related to such election. WHISENANT/JONES
Aug 18, 2014 Special
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1. Discussion and possible action to execute an Order calling for a bond election in Hays County on November 4, 2014, related to proposed law enforcement improvements and/or public safety facilities, which may include a County Jail, a Co-Located 911 Center, a Law Enforcement Center, and/or a Training Center; and to make provisions for the conduct of the election; and to resolve other matters incident and related to such election. WHISENANT/JONES
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