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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag & Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
1. Approve payments of county invoices
2. Approve Commissioners Court Minutes of February 25, 2014
3. Approval to add Spitzer & Associates to the list of pre-qualified vendors for the Road Bond Program under the category of ROW Acquisition
4. Approve Utility Permits
5. Authorize Pct. 1 Commissioner to sign a contract for Professional Services with Klotz & Associates for Harris Hill Road Drainage Study
6. Amend the Precinct 2 building construction budget for building repairs for wall damage in the waiting areas
7. Authorize the County Judge to execute an Amendment to the Contract with the Department of State Health Services for the Tuberculosis Prevention and Control grant
8. Approve the appointment of Leah Gibson to serve as a representative on the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Solid Waste Advisory Committee to replace David Case. COBB
9. Move funds from the Sheriff Operating budget to the Animal Control budget for continuing education and amend the budget accordingly
10. Accept Annual Financial Report from the Hays County Emergency Service District #5 /Kyle Fire Department
11. Call for a public hearing on March 18, 2014 to establish traffic regulations (NO PARKING zone) along Crystal Meadow Drive at the Pct. 2 office
12. Discussion and possible action to consider the acceptance of road construction and drainage improvements, and release of the construction surety for Key Ranch aka Saratoga Hills Subdivision, Section 1
13. Discussion and possible action to consider naming a private drive located off RR 12 in Precinct 4 to Orchid Lane
14. Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Johnson Trube & Associates, LLC. for real estate services related to surplus property in Hays County
15. Executive Session pursuant to 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel regarding all pending and/or contemplated litigation involving Hays County
16. Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of real property related to Right of Way acquisition at the intersection of Yarrington and IH35
17. Discussion of issues related to inmate population at the Hays County Jail
18. Discussion and possible action related to the burn ban and/or disaster declaration
Mar 04, 2014 Regular
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Full agenda
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag & Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
1. Approve payments of county invoices
2. Approve Commissioners Court Minutes of February 25, 2014
3. Approval to add Spitzer & Associates to the list of pre-qualified vendors for the Road Bond Program under the category of ROW Acquisition
4. Approve Utility Permits
5. Authorize Pct. 1 Commissioner to sign a contract for Professional Services with Klotz & Associates for Harris Hill Road Drainage Study
6. Amend the Precinct 2 building construction budget for building repairs for wall damage in the waiting areas
7. Authorize the County Judge to execute an Amendment to the Contract with the Department of State Health Services for the Tuberculosis Prevention and Control grant
8. Approve the appointment of Leah Gibson to serve as a representative on the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Solid Waste Advisory Committee to replace David Case. COBB
9. Move funds from the Sheriff Operating budget to the Animal Control budget for continuing education and amend the budget accordingly
10. Accept Annual Financial Report from the Hays County Emergency Service District #5 /Kyle Fire Department
11. Call for a public hearing on March 18, 2014 to establish traffic regulations (NO PARKING zone) along Crystal Meadow Drive at the Pct. 2 office
12. Discussion and possible action to consider the acceptance of road construction and drainage improvements, and release of the construction surety for Key Ranch aka Saratoga Hills Subdivision, Section 1
13. Discussion and possible action to consider naming a private drive located off RR 12 in Precinct 4 to Orchid Lane
14. Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Johnson Trube & Associates, LLC. for real estate services related to surplus property in Hays County
15. Executive Session pursuant to 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel regarding all pending and/or contemplated litigation involving Hays County
16. Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of real property related to Right of Way acquisition at the intersection of Yarrington and IH35
17. Discussion of issues related to inmate population at the Hays County Jail
18. Discussion and possible action related to the burn ban and/or disaster declaration
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